Sexual Health

Derbyshire LGBT+

One of Derbyshire LGBT+ main aims has always been to provide sexual health advice and services to LGBT+ people in Derby and Derbyshire.

Telephone: 01332 207 704

Facebook: @derbyshireLGBT

Twitter: @DerbyshireLGBT


SV2 - Supporting Victims of Sexual Violence

SV2 will support you regardless of when your experience of sexual abuse or violence occurred. We support all genders from any age and offer counselling to both adults and children.

Telephone: 01773 746 115


Twitter: @sv2uk



Family Planning Association

A sexual health charity, the Family Planning Association gives straightforward information and support on sexual health, sex and relationships to everyone in the UK.

Telephone: 020 7608 5240


Chesterfield LGBT+

One of Chesterfield LGBT+ main aims has always been to provide sexual health advice and services to LGBT+ people in Derby and Chesterfield.

Telephone: 01332 207 704 

Facebook: @derbyshireLGBT

Twitter: @DerbyshireLGBT



Brook provides free and confidential sexual health and wellbeing services for nearly 250,000 young people UK-wide, each year.


Sexual Health Helpline

The National Sexual Health Helpline provided by Public Health England is open Monday to Friday, 09:00-20:00.

Telephone: 0300 123 7123